Written By: Usman Ibrahim

Can Dogs Eat Chicken Pot Pies? A Comprehensive Guide

The answer to the question: can dogs eat chicken pot pies? it depends …

Can Dogs Eat Chicken Pot Pies? A Comprehensive Guide

The answer to the question: can dogs eat chicken pot pies? it depends on the ingredients present in chicken pot pies. If the chicken pot pies contain any toxic content like garlic, onion, etc, then it is not safe for dogs. On the other hand, if chicken pot pies contain only meat and vegetables, then dogs can safely eat them.

In this article, we will explore dog’s nutritional needs, and discuss their benefits and potential risk. Also, explore some similar foods that dogs safely consume. Let’s go.

Nutritional Needs of Dogs

Dogs need a balanced diet including protein, fats, vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, and water regularly.


Protein helps them in muscle development and growth.


Dogs need energy to perform their daily life activities. Fats are a great source of energy in their diet.

Vitamins and Minerals

Vitamins and minerals support various bodily functions in dogs and maintain their overall health.

Water and carbohydrates

To maintain their hydration and energy levels dogs need water and carbohydrates.

Can Dogs Eat Chicken Pot Pies?

Dogs can eat chicken pot pies only on the condition that chicken pot pies only contain vegetables and meat. Dogs need a balanced and safe diet to avoid health issues. Most chicken pot pies contain garlic and onions, which are toxic for dogs. That’s why they can only eat chicken pot pies when they contain only meat and vegetables.

Benefits of Feeding Chicken Pot Pies for Dogs

While chicken pot pies are not recommended for dogs. However, if they are free from toxic ingredients like onion and garlic then dogs can safely eat them. There are some benefits of feeding pot pies for dogs listed below:

  • Protein source
  • Tasty treat
  • Source of vitamins and minerals
  • Variety in diet

Are Chicken Pot Pies Good for Dogs?

If the chicken pot pies are free from any toxic ingredients like garlic and onions, then chicken pot pies are good for dogs. If you make chicken pot pies for yourself, then keep the dish away from dogs. However, when you want to feed your dog chicken pot pies, make sure you don’t add garlic and onions. Also, offer them only in moderation.

How to Feed Chicken Pot Pies to Dogs?

If you don’t know or your first time feeding your dog chicken pot pies then you can simply follow the following steps to prepare for them.

  • Remove potentially harmful ingredients Like onion and garlic.
  • Cook chicken thoroughly.
  • Cut into bite-sized pieces.
  • Offer in moderation as an occasional treat.
  • Monitor for any adverse reactions.

How Much Chicken Pot Pies Can Dogs Eat?

Chicken pot pies may seem like a healthy treat for dogs but giving them every day may not be a good idea. Dogs only eat chicken pot pies which contain vegetables and meat only. Some toxic vegetables that are toxic for dogs including onion and garlic must not be in chicken pot pie.

Moreover, dogs can eat minimal amounts of chicken pot pies in moderation. Always consult with a vet before introducing any food to dogs.

Potential Risks of Dogs Eating Chicken Pot Pies

There are some potential risks of dogs eating chicken pot pies. Some of them are discussed below:

Stomach Upset

Dogs have sensitive stomachs that are easily irritated with these kinds of food. Chicken pot pies are a human food and dogs cannot digest it easily.

Grain Allergies

The crust Chicken pot pies are made up of flour (grains) and some dogs are sensitive to grains. Some dogs have grain allergies and it’s your responsibility to keep the dish away from sensitive dogs.

Onion Toxicity

Onions are toxic for dogs and they get sick after eating them. Onions can damage their red blood cells resulting in anemia.

Safe Alternatives of Chicken Pot Pies for Dogs

  • Plain, cooked chicken
  • Steamed or boiled vegetables
  • Plain, cooked rice or pasta
  • Lean ground turkey or beef
  • Cooked sweet potatoes or pumpkin
  • Apples
  • Blueberries
  • Plain, unsweetened yogurt
  • Cooked salmon or other fish
  • Plain, cooked oatmeal

Can Dogs Eat Eggs Roll

Due to harmful ingredients present in egg rolls like garlic and onions, it is not recommended for dogs to eat Egg rolls. Well, a small piece of egg roll without garlic and onion content. Offered them egg rolls as a treat and in moderation. Dogs have sensitive stomachs and they cannot handle these types of dishes, which can cause digestive problems. Always give them nutritional treats that are beneficial for them.

Can Dogs Eat Taco Meat

No, feeding your dog taco meat is not recommended. Dogs are carnivores but not all types of meat are safe for them. Taco meat contains harmful ingredients that can cause digestive health problems. However, they can eat cooked taco meat in moderation. Ensure that taco meat is plain and free from ingredients like onions and garlic. Provide them with well-cooked meat which should contain low-fat content. Finding your dog’s high-fat content causes digestive problems.

Can Dogs Eat Raw Chicken

Yes, dogs can eat raw chicken but this is not safe for them. Raw chicken comes with many risks such as bacterial contamination, these bacteria include salmonella and campylobacter which may cause serious health issues. Well, if you want to feed raw chicken to your pups make sure that the chicken is fresh and free from bacteria. Before providing them with raw chicken wash it thoroughly and provide them in clean dishes.

Can Dogs Eat Cooked Chicken

Yes, dogs can eat cooked chicken safely and can be a healthy addition to their diet. Cooked chicken is safe for them as long as it is free from seasonings or additives. Cooked must be plain and do not contain any ingredients like onion or garlic. Giving them in large amounts can lead to health issues otherwise mostly cooked or plain food is safe for dogs. Always observe them while feeding and give them in moderation.

Can Dogs Eat Chicken Bones

Well, many dogs eat chicken bones but they are not safe for them. Chicken bones are so small and can easily stuck in their throat and cause choking hazards. Feeding your dog chicken is great but their bones can be harmful to them. They can cause digestive system problems and choking hazards. Give them a nutritional diet like meat, vegetables, or fruits. Other than these foods honey bunches of oats are also safe for your dog.

Can Dogs Eat Raw Fish

Yes, dogs can eat raw fish but it should be fresh and free from bacteria. Raw fish come with bacteria contamination like Salmonella or Listeria. These bacteria can cause serious health issues. If you want to reduce the risk, cook the fish thoroughly this will kill all the bacteria, and then dogs can eat it safely. Offer them fish only in moderation and as a treat. Observe them while eating and if you find any health issues immediately consult with a vet.

Final Thought About Can Dogs Eat Chicken Pot Pies?

In Final thought, can dogs eat chicken pot pies? The answer is yes if they do not contain harmful ingredients like onion and garlic. Dogs can safely eat chicken pot pies that include meat and vegetables only. Some dogs have allergies to grains and for them, this dish is not recommended.

Do not feed them daily with chicken pot pies because chicken pot pies are a human dish and are hard for dogs to digest. It’s important to keep the dish away from them and offer them as a treat. Monitor them while eating and give them in moderation. Moreover, consultation with a vet is a good option.

FAQs about Can Dogs Eat Chicken Pot Pies?

Can dogs eat chicken pot pies every day?

No, chicken pot pies can not be an everyday diet for dogs. Dogs need a healthy and balanced diet and this dish can’t provide them all nutrients. Offer them as a treat is a good option for pet owners who want to give them a variety in their diet.

Can puppies eat chicken pot pies?

For puppies, this dish can not be recommended because they have sensitive digestive systems and their stomach can not handle this. Also, chick pot pies contain toxic content like garlic and onions.

How can I feed my dog chicken pot pies?

By following these steps you can feed your dog chicken pot pies.

  • Remove potentially harmful ingredients Like onion and garlic.
  • Cook chicken thoroughly.
  • Cut into bite-sized pieces.
  • Offer in moderation as an occasional treat.
  • Monitor for any adverse reactions.

Is it okay to feed chicken pot pie to dogs?

Yes, it is okay if chicken pot pies do not contain harmful ingredients like onion and garlic. Feed them in moderation and only offer chicken pot pies as a treat.

Can dogs digest chicken pot pies?

Chicken pot pies are a human dish and it’s hard for dogs to digest them. Chicken pot pie crusts are made with flour and some dogs have allergies to grains. Keep the dish away from these dogs.

What is the best meat for dogs?

Many meats are best for a dog’s diet, including chicken, turkey, beef, lamb, pork, fish, venison, rabbit, bison, and duck. Meat is the main source of nutrients in dogs, if you want your dog to enjoy his diet every day then give them a different variety of meat daily.

Do chicken pot pies cause any health issues in dogs?

Yes, chicken pot pies cause health issues in dogs including stomach upset, and lack of lactose intolerance. Also, the salt content causes kidney damage and onions can damage red blood cells

Usman Ibrahim is a versatile professional with a passion for SEO, blogging, and content creation. As an SEO expert, he navigates the digital landscape with finesse, optimizing content for visibility. Usman's love for pets shines through his engaging blog posts, showcasing his unique blend of expertise and personal interests.

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