Written By: Usman Ibrahim

Can cats eat raw chicken? The Truth About Feeding Cats

Can cats eat raw chicken? The short and quick answer is yes. Both raw …

Can cats eat raw chicken? The Truth About Feeding Cats

Can cats eat raw chicken? The short and quick answer is yes. Both raw and cooked chicken are the great source of proteins for cats. However, there are some health risks connected with feeding raw chicken to cats.

In this article, we will explore cat’s nutritional needs, benefits, and risks of feeding raw chicken. Also, explore some safe alternatives you can offer in a cat’s diet.

Can Cats Eat Raw Chicken?

Can Cats Eat Raw Chicken

Yes, cats can eat raw chicken. Chicken is the most famous meat in the world, and the consumption ratio of chicken is very high across the world. It can be eaten in tacos, sandwiches, nuggets, and more. We know cats are carnivores, and their main source of protein comes from meat. If you find your cat eating raw chicken, relax it’s natural.

Nutritional Needs Of Cats

Nutritional Needs Of Cats

As we know cats are carnivores, and their main source of protein comes from meat. Cats can eat raw chicken to fulfill their dietary needs. The following are the main nutrients that a cat needs to grow fast and healthy.


Cats require many Vitamins like Vitamin A (which is essential for vision, immune function, and skin health), Vitamin D (which is important for calcium and phosphorus absorption, and vital for bone health), Vitamin E (which acts as an antioxidant, supporting immune function and skin health), Vitamin K (required for blood clotting), and all Vitamins B including B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9, B12 (which is essential for energy metabolism, skin health, and nervous system function).


Cats need food full of minerals for structural support. Minerals that must included in cats’ diet are Calcium, Phosphorus, Magnesium, Potassium, Sodium, and Chloride, and trace minerals such as iron, copper, zinc, selenium, and iodine. These minerals help to make their bones and teeth strong and beneficial for their overall health.

Fatty Acids

To Boost their immune system and maintain their skin health fatty acids play a great role in this. Fatty acids including omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids are very beneficial for them.

Amino Acids

As you know, cats are obligate carnivores which means they need a certain amount of amino acids in their diet. Animal-bassed amino acids are very beneficial for cats.

Raw Chicken and Its Nutritional Content

Raw Chicken and Its Nutritional Content

Raw chicken is a good source of various nutrients like vitamins, minerals, and protein. So, Raw chicken can be a good addition to the cat’s diet. Raw chicken has all the nutrients that cats need.


Raw chicken is a good source of protein, which helps the cats to maintain muscle mass, support growth, and repair tissues.


Raw Chicken provides many vitamins including vitamin B6, niacin, riboflavin, and vitamin B12. These vitamins help cats with energy metabolism, immune function, and overall health.


Raw chicken also provides minerals like phosphorus, potassium, and zinc. These minerals help the cat to maintain their bones health, muscles, and overall bodily functions.

Benefits Of Feeding Raw Chicken For Cats

Feeding your cat raw chicken provides many health benefits. The following is the list of benefits of feeding raw chicken to cats:

  1. High-quality protein: Present high-quality protein in raw chicken helps a cat to maintain muscle mass, support growth, and repair tissues.
  2. Natural source of nutrients: Raw chicken is full of natural sources of nutrients that are beneficial for overall health.
  3. Support Digestion: Raw chicken contains enzymes and amino acids that support digestion.
  4. Healthy skin: The omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids present in chicken help cats with shiny fur and healthy skin.
  5. Dental health: Chewing on raw chicken can help cats maintain dental health.
  6. Weight: Feeding your cats raw chicken helps to maintain a healthy weight.
  7. Boost energy levels: The nutrients present in raw chicken make cats active and energetic.
  8. Reduced Health Risks: If you avoid commercial treats and feed them fresh raw chicken prepared by you may reduce health risks.
  9. Support for urinary health: The high moisture content present in raw chicken supports cats for urinary health.
  10. Enrichment and mental stimulation: If your cat Chews on raw chicken bones and meat, can provide cats with enrichment and mental stimulation.

Is Raw Chicken Good For Cats?

Yes, raw chicken is good for cats. Many nutrients present in raw chicken help cats grow fast. However, there are some health issues because uncooked meat hosts bad bacteria. Always give them fresh and washed raw chicken, this will make the meat germ-free, and your cat can safely eat it. Otherwise, give them cooked chicken, which is safer for cats.

How To Feed Raw Chicken To Cats

How To Feed Raw Chicken To Cats

Before feeding your cat raw chicken you need to prepare it. Some Careful instructions you need to understand and follow them.

  • Provide Them with High-Quality Chicken: Do not provide them with expired meat or meat from the ill chicken. Feed them fresh and high-quality chicken.
  • Prepare The Chicken: Wash your hands thoroughly before providing them with chicken. Cut into small pieces, which makes it easy for them to eat.
  • Feed Them Variety Chicken: Provide a variety of chicken including muscle meat, organs, and bones. Organs like the liver or heart.
  • Monitor Them While Eating: Always monitor them, Ensure that they’re not swallowing large junks of meat or whole bones. If your is new to raw chicken, introduce them gradually it will help the cat’s digestive system to adjust.
  • Practice Safe Handling: Store the raw chicken in the refrigerator. Wash your hands thoroughly, while feeding and after feeding your cats to avoid illness. Clean all the dishes that are in contact with raw chicken to lower the risk of bacteria.

How Much Raw Chicken Can Cats Eat?

How Much Raw Chicken Can Cats Eat

Cats can eat raw chicken in moderation. Feeding them large amounts of raw chicken is not good. If you give them raw chicken as a treat or daily basis diet, make sure it is not more than 10% of their daily diet. Make a balanced diet plan for them to avoid health problems.

Potential Risks Of Cats Eating Raw Chicken

Potential Risks Of Cats Eating Raw Chicken

Raw chicken commonly comes with Salmonella, E.coli, and other bacteria. The following are some potential risks of cats eating raw chicken.

  • Bacterial Content: Raw chicken contains bacterial content including Salmonella, E.coli, and other bacteria. These bacteria cause foodborne illnesses in cats.
  • Unbalanced Diet: Giving your cats an unbalanced diet may cause nutritional deficiency which may lead to various health problems including heart disease, vision problems, and immune system dysfunction.
  • Choking Hazards And Bones: Sometimes your cats like to eat raw chicken bones which may cause a choking hazard.
  • Dental Health Problems: Chewing raw chicken bones may cause dental health problems such as broken teeth or oral injuries.
  • Costly: Feeding your cats raw chicken can be costly and time-consuming than other food.

Safe Alternatives Of Raw Chicken For Cats

Safe Alternatives Of Raw Chicken For Cats

If you want some safe alternatives for cats you can offer them these food from the following;

  • Butter Milk
  • Yogurt
  • Peanut butter
  • Smoked Turkey
  • Sweet potato
  • Smoked Chicken
  • Dragon fruit
  • Smoked Salmon

Can Cats Eat Hot Dogs

While cats can eat any food which is not harmful to them. Cats can not eat hog dogs, this is because hot dogs are highly processed food and a cat’s digestive system cannot handle this type of food. Well, they can eat hot dogs in very low quantities but only as an occasional treat.

Can Cats Eat Ice Cream

No, ice cream is not for cats. Cats can not digest dietary products properly. Feeding them ice cream can cause digestive problems. Ice cream is not part of their natural diet. So avoid ice cream while giving them any treats.

Can Cats Eat Sweet Potato

Yes, cats can eat sweet potato but only in moderation. Sweet potatoes are not harmful for them, you can give them as a treat if you want. Do not give them daily it can cause health issues. Cats are carnivores and can not rely on sweet potatoes as a regular diet.

Can Cats Eat Greek Yogurt

Yes, if you want to give your cat yogurt then Greek yogurt is a good option for your cats. Simple Greek yogurt is safe for cats. Avoid flavored yogurt as it contains sugar, and some contain chocolates which are toxic for cats. Offer them plain yogurt and give them in small amounts and not daily.

Can Cats Eat Green Beans

Yes, cats can eat green beans as they contain nutrient content which is beneficial for cats. Cats are carnivores and their main source of food comes from meat. But if you want to try something different like veggies, you can offer them as a treat. Cats like to eat green beans.

Can Cats Eat Dragon Fruit

Yes, cats can eat dragon fruit and it is not toxic to cats and would not cause any health problems. While other fruits cause digestive problems. Dragon fruit is a safe option for cats and can not cause any health problems like gastrointestinal upset, diarrhea, or even vomiting.

Can Cats Eat Smoked Salmon

Yes, cats can eat smoked salmon. Cats are carnivores and they rely more on meat. But they also can eat smoked salmon but in small quantities. Gives them as a treat do not include smoked salmon in their diet plan. It will be harmful to your cats if you give them large amounts of smoked salmon. Also, always remember moderation is the key.

Final Thought About Can Cats Eat Raw Chicken?

In the final thought, can cats eat raw chicken? Yes, they can eat raw chicken in moderation. You need to follow some safety tips before feeding your cat raw chicken. Raw chicken is commonly contaminated with bacteria, so wash it properly. Always offer your cats high-quality raw chicken and give them variety like muscle meat, organs(heart or liver), and bones.

Additionally, make a balanced diet plan for your cats for better health growth. It’s true raw chicken contains lots of nutrients that cats need but giving them in too many amounts and without any safety concerns can cause health problems.

Moreover, if your cat eating raw chicken first time, do not give them over diet it can lead to health problems. Make a proper diet plan and start with small amounts, it helps the cat’s digestive system to adjust. Monitor them while feeding and if you notice any health issues then consult with your vet.

FAQs About Can Cats Eat Raw Chicken?

Can cats eat raw chicken with bones?

Yes, cats can eat raw chicken with bones. But bones can damage your cat’s GI tract. Soft bones are a much safer option to eat rather than hard and brittle bones. Chewing hard bones also causes dental health problems.

How to prepare raw chicken for cats?

The preparation of raw chicken for cats is simple. You can simply follow the following steps to prepare raw chicken for cats.

  • Wash your hands before preparation.
  • Find a high-quality raw chicken and also give your cats a variety including muscle meat, organs(heart or liver), and bones.
  • Wash all the raw chicken properly.
  • Cut the raw chicken into small pieces.
  • Monitor them while eating.
  • Wash all the dishes and your hands after feeding them to avoid bacterial infections.

How much raw chicken should I feed my cat?

While a cat can eat raw chicken, but some pet owners do not know the quantity. Well, ensure that you are not giving them more than 10 percent of their daily diet. Feeding your cat raw chicken as a treat is good but in large quantities is not. Give them small amounts of raw chicken and wash them properly before feeding.

Can cats eat raw chicken breasts?

Chicken breast are the parts of raw chicken and a cat can eat chicken breast. But uncooked chicken breasts are the same as the other parts of raw chicken. If you want to feed your cat raw chicken breasts, ensure that you wash them properly.

Can cats eat raw chicken liver?

Raw chicken liver has nutrients like iron, vitamin A, and protein. It can be a good addition to cats’ diet as long as you give them in small amounts. Too much intake of vitamin A can cause illness. Raw chicken liver also comes with bacteria so wash them properly before feeding your cats.

What do cats like more raw chicken or cooked chicken?

If you want to know what your cats like most raw chicken or cooked chicken. Maybe your cats like both but if you want to know which is safer. Weather cats can eat raw chicken but cooked chicken is a safer option than raw chicken. This is because raw chicken hosts bacteria which can cause illness in cats.

Is it okay to feed a raw chicken to cats?

Yes, it is okay to feed raw chicken to cats as long as you follow the safety concerns. Make a diet plan before feeding them raw chicken. Gives them small amounts of raw chicken which is more efficient than large amounts.

Can cats eat raw chicken every day?

Cats can eat raw chicken but every day may not be a good decision for them. If you feed them raw chicken as a treat or daily basis, make sure it is not more than 10 percent of their daily diet. If your cat eating raw chicken for the first time start with small amounts, it can help your cat’s digestive system to adjust.

What do cats like more meat or salmon?

Most cats like the meat more than salmon. Salmon can be a good choice for their diet but they like meat more. They especially like a fish named tuna. Cats like cooked salmon and it is ideal for cats health.

Why does my cat like to eat raw chicken more?

If your cat likes to eat raw chicken more then some of the reasons include they like the smell or taste of raw chicken or they just prevent hunger by eating raw chicken more.

Usman Ibrahim is a versatile professional with a passion for SEO, blogging, and content creation. As an SEO expert, he navigates the digital landscape with finesse, optimizing content for visibility. Usman's love for pets shines through his engaging blog posts, showcasing his unique blend of expertise and personal interests.

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